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Lao Lao Of Dragon Mountain

Written by Margaret Bateson-Hill
Illustrations Francesca Pelizzoli
ISBN: 9781907825408
Price: £9.99
Format: 260 x 215mm
Extent: 32 pages
Age: 4+

Lao Lao is a paper-cutting master, making and teaching delicate papercuts. She is never lonely, surrounded by the children of the village. The greedy emperor hears about Lao Lao’s skills and has her imprisoned, not realising the ice dragon is watching! It is a beautifully written story inspired by traditional stories from China.

“A beautiful tale – new yet somehow full of a sense of the traditions of ancient Chinese stories. It is one of those rare books that can be used across the curriculum,for it reflects the culture of China and offers practicalart activities, ideas for work on communication, thoughts about the danger of greed. A book for all KS2 classrooms.”

– Wendy Cooling
Founder of Bookstart, BookTrust