Written by Anna McQuinn
Illustrations Rosalind Beardshaw
ISBN: 9781907825071
Price: 12.99
ISBN: 9781907825064
Price: 7.99
Format: 245 x 210mm
Extent: 32 pages
Age: 3+
Rights sold: USA & Canada,
Brazil, Korea, Denmark, China
Lulu loves Tuesdays. That’s when she and her mummy go to the library. They choose books and Lulu goes to storytime and singing time. When they get home, Lulu’s mummy reads the stories at bedtime.
A joyful exploration of books, libraries and sharing stories as Lulu and her mum make their regular visit to the library. This should be available in every library and children’s centre
A bright narrative and sumptuous illustrations make this a real joy for book lovers everywhere
An excellent preparatory picture book for those ready to make their first trip to the library… McQuinn and Beardshaw radiate enthusiasm for libraries in every bright and energetic page of this book, and expertly defuse a toddler’s initial nervousness about a new experience