Written by Anna McQuinn
Illustrations Ruth Hearson
ISBN: 9781907825323
Price: £6.99
Format: 200x185mm,
Sturdy card with rounded corners
Extent: 24 pages
Age: 10 months +
Rights sold: USA & Canada,
Denmark, China
Zeki is back in a new adventure at the pool. Zeki and Daddy go to swimming class where they kick, bounce, and dive like little fish. Joining other babies and their caretakers in the pool is a guarantee of unforgettable fun and it builds a foundation for water safety.
Takes a situation familiar to so many young families – baby swim classes – and makes it into a lovely storybook that little ones will love sharing with their grown-ups. I love the diverse range of families, making this a great read for everyone
Zeki’s dad takes him swimming. There are sound, ‘splish’ ‘sploosh’ words and action words ‘kick’ ‘swoosh’ kiddies will love and be encouraged to get animated too. My favourites are the tender moments between Zeki and his dad. Its fantastic to see a dad in a nurturing role
Zeki Can Swim! puts the spotlight on a father bonding with his baby – and the ratio of two dads to four mums at the swimming class works well. Without labouring the point, together they represent a realistic blend of ethnic diversity to be found in many places across the UK